HuBMAP Sample schema


This page describes the Sample attributes available for querying via the HuBMAP parameterized search endpoint. Full Sample schema information can be found at the HuBMAP Search API documentation page at the bottom of the page in the Schemas section under the Sample section.

For example, this endpoint searches Samples for a specified sample category of block, all tissue registrations that are of type block will be returned:



A query string is built by combining schema elements documented below with matching values. Each “term” of the query is combined using the & character, and the entire query is attached to the base URL after a ? character, per web standards.

Query terms may be composed from attributes deeper in the schema type of an attribute. For example, the Sample Schema attribute metadata is has a type of Sample Metadata Schema, and Sample Metadata Schema has an attribute organ_condition. Querying Samples supports a term to search for samples from healthy organs, such as metadata.organ_condition=healthy, and a query like:

Attribute Type Description
uuid string The HuBMAP unique identifier, intended for internal software use only. This is a 32 digit hexadecimal uuid e.g. 461bbfdc353a2673e381f632510b0f17
hubmap_id string A HuBMAP Consortium wide unique identifier randomly generated in the format HBM###.ABCD.### for every entity.
protocol_url string The doi url pointing the protocol under wich the sample was obtained and/or prepared.
group_name string The name of the HuBMAP data provider group which registered the sample. See the HuBMAP Data Provider Groups for a list of valid group names.
data_access_level string from data_access_level attribute values One of the values: public, consortium
sample_category string from sample_category attribute values A code representing the category of the specimen. Must be one of organ, block, section , suspension. This is a required field. If set to organ, the organ property must be provided as well.
organ string from organ attribute values Organ code specifier, only set if sample_category == organ. Valid values found in the rui_code attribute in: organ types
metadata array of Sample Metadata Schema The sample specific metadata derived from the uploaded sample_metadata.tsv file. Returned as a json object.

Sample Metadata Schema

The sample specific metadata derived from the sample_metadata.tsv files provided with tissue registration:

Attribute Type Description
sample_id string The HuBMAP Identifier for the sample.
warm_ischemia_time_value integer Time interval between cessation of blood flow and cooling to 4C. Blank if not applicable.
warm_ischemia_time_unit string Time units that the warm_ischemia_time_value is reported in. Blank if not applicable
cold_ischemia_time_value integer Time interval on ice to the start of preservation protocol. Blank if not applicable.
cold_ischemia_time_unit string Time units that the cold_ischemia_time_value is reported in. Blank if not applicable.
specimen_preservation_temperature string The temperature of the medium during the preservation process. Reported as preservation method, temperature and units, e.g. Freezer (-80 Celsius)
specimen_quality_criteria string RIN score. e.g. RIN: 8.7
specimen_tumor_distance_value string If surgical sample from a tumor biopsy, how far from the tumor was the sample obtained from. Typically a number of centimeters. Blank if not applicable or unknown.
specimen_tumor_distance_unit string  
vital_state string from vital_state attribute values The vital state of the donor who the tissue sample came from.
health_status string from health_status attribute values Donor from which the tissue sample came from’s baseline physical condition prior to immediate event leading to organ/tissue acquisition. For example, if a relatively healthy patient suffers trauma, and as a result of reparative surgery, a tissue sample is collected, the subject will be deemed ‘relatively healthy’. Likewise, a relatively healthy subject may have experienced trauma leading to brain death. As a result of organ donation, a sample is collected. In this scenario, the subject is deemed ‘relatively healthy’.
organ_condition string from organ_condition attribute values Health status of the organ at the time of tissue sample recovery.
perfusion_solution string from perfusion_solution attribute values Health status of the organ at the time of sample recovery.

data_access_level attribute values

The data_access_level of the Sample Schema is one of the values following enumerated values:

  • public
  • consortium

sample_category attribute values

The sample_category of the Sample Schema is one of the values following enumerated values:

  • organ
  • block
  • section
  • suspension

organ attribute values

The organ of the Sample Schema is a value from the current, authoritative list of rui_code attributes in: organ types As of 8/25/2024, the list is:

  • AO: Aorta
  • BL: Bladder
  • BD: Blood
  • BM: Bone Marrow
  • BR: Brain
  • LB: Bronchus (Left)
  • RB: Bronchus (Right)
  • LE: Eye (Left)
  • RE: Eye (Right)
  • LF: Fallopian Tube (Left)
  • RF: Fallopian Tube (Right)
  • HT: Heart
  • LK: Kidney (Left)
  • RK: Kidney (Right)
  • LN: Knee (Left)
  • RN: Knee (Right)
  • LI: Large Intestine
  • LV: Liver
  • LL: Lung (Left)
  • RL: Lung (Right)
  • LY: Lymph Node
  • VL: Lymphatic Vasculature
  • VL: Lymphatic Vasculature
  • LO: Ovary (Left)
  • RO: Ovary (Right)
  • PA: Pancreas
  • PL: Placenta
  • PL: Placenta
  • SK: Skin
  • SI: Small Intestine
  • SC: Spinal Cord
  • SP: Spleen
  • ST: Sternum
  • TH: Thymus
  • LT: Tonsil (Left)
  • RT: Tonsil (Right)
  • TR: Trachea
  • UR: Ureter
  • UT: Uterus

vital_state attribute values

The vital_state of the Sample Metadata Schema is one of the values following enumerated values:

  • living
  • deceased

health_status attribute values

The health_status of the Sample Metadata Schema is one of the values following enumerated values:

  • cancer
  • relatively
  • healthy
  • chronic illness

organ_condition attribute values

The organ_condition of the Sample Metadata Schema is one of the values following enumerated values:

  • healthy
  • diseased

perfusion_solution attribute values

The perfusion_solution of the Sample Metadata Schema is one of the values following enumerated values:

  • UWS
  • HTK
  • Belzer
  • Formalin
  • Unknown
  • None

File Schema

Attribute Type Description
filename string The name of the file.
description string A description of the file. The Dataset.thumbnail_file does not have this file description.
file_uuid string The HuBMAP unique identifier for the file.