HuBMAP Donor schema


This page describes the Donor attributes available for querying via the HuBMAP parameterized search endpoint. Full Donor schema information can be found at the HuBMAP Search API documentation page at the bottom of the page in the Schemas section under the Donor section. This page describes the Donor schema for HuBMAP data. Donor data may be returned itself or a part of another entity. For example, this endpoint searches Donors :



A query string is built by combining schema elements documented below with matching values. Each “term” of the query is combined using the & character, and the entire query is attached to the base URL after a ? character, per web standards.

Query terms may be composited from attributes deeper in the schema type of an attribute. For example, the Donor Schema attribute metadata.living_donor_data is has a type of Donor Metadata Schema, and Donor Metadata Schema has an attribute preferred_term supporting UMLS concepts. Querying Donors supports a term to search for living donors who are male, such as metadata.living_donor_data.preferred_term=Male, and a query like:


Dataset Attributes

Attribute Type Description
description string Free text description of the donor
uuid string The HuBMAP unique identifier, intended for internal software use only. This is a 32 digit hexadecimal uuid e.g. 461bbfdc353a2673e381f632510b0f17
hubmap_id string A HuBMAP Consortium wide unique identifier randomly generated in the format HBM###.ABCD.### for every entity.
data_access_level string from data_access_level attribute values One of the values: public, consortium
group_name string The name of the HuBMAP data provider group which registered the sample. See the HuBMAP Data Provider Groups for a list of valid group names.
label string Lab provided, de-identified name for the donor
metadata.living_donor_data array of Donor Metadata Schema Information about the donor who’s tissue was used. The tissue was obtained during a procedure. Only living_donor_data or organ_donor_data, not both can be defined for a single donor.
metadata.organ_donor_data array of Donor Metadata Schema Information about the donor who’s organ(s) was/were used. The organ was obtained via an organ donation program from a deceaced donor. Only living_donor_data or organ_donor_data, not both can be defined for a single donor.

Donor Metadata Schema

attributes as listed at entity-api Donor schema drop-down, metadata drop-down, DonorMetadata drop-down:

Attribute Type Description
code string This is a Code from a source vocabulary in the HuBMAP Knowledge Graph, currently limited to UMLS source vocabulary terms.
sab string This is the source vocabulary in the HuBMAP Knowledge Graph. Currently limited to UMLS source vocabularies.
concept_id string This is the Concept ID from the HuBMAP Knowledge Graph. Currently limited to UMLS concepts.
data_value string The data value of the record.
units string This are the units for the data value.
preferred_term string This is the preferred display term for the item. It may or may not correspond to a term in UMLS for this concept.
grouping_concept string This is the Concept ID from the HuBMAP Knowledge Graph, currently limited to UMLS concetps, that is to be used for grouping the record.
grouping_concept_preferred_term string This is the preferred display term for the facet in which this record should be counted for faceted search in the portal. It may or may not correspond to a term in UMLS for the grouping concept.
grouping_code string This is a Code from a source vocabulary in the HuBMAP Knowledge Graph, currently limited to UMLS vocabulary codes. This code corresponds to the grouping_concept.
grouping_sab string This is a grouping for the source vocabulary in the HuBMAP Knowledge Graph, currently limited to UMLS source vocabularies.. This sab corresponds to the grouping_code.
graph_version string This is the version of the HuBMAP Knowledge Graph that the Concept appears in, currently the version of UMLS that is used.
start_datetime integer This is the approximate time difference in seconds between the procurement and the start of this event (this is to construct time series records of clinical data for event-level data not donor-level data). An empty or zero value designates missing data or that this field is not applicable for the concept.
end_datetime integer This is the approximate time difference in seconds between the procurement and the end of this event (this is to construct time series records of clinical data for event-level data not donor-level data). An epty of zero value designates missing data or that this field is not applicable for the concept

data_access_level attribute values

The data_access_level of the DonorSchema is one of the values following enumerated values:

  • public
  • consortium